2018, We Had It Good!

11:10 pm

Every December, as one year comes to an end and another one is about to begin, I like to take a look at my rearview mirror and reflect on all the highlights of the year passed. Several previous years hadn't been particularly slanted in my favour, but 2018 - we had it good, finally!

I started off 2018 with an important decision: to go with the flow, unless my flow disrupts someone else's flow. I don't know if this makes any sense, but I'll try to explain. Reflecting on the horrible year of 2017, I came to the realization that everything that had happened to me was of my own making. There were decisions gone horribly wrong, chances missed, people hurt, people gone, distances increased... All in all, the year really slapped me silly and left me utterly disappointed and emotionally drained. In a nutshell, I figured: if I am not able to find serenity, so be it. But I will never stand in the way of someone else's.
This switch in my conscience made me look at things from a totally different perspective. It became an important tool in my self-development process. Whenever I was about to make an important decision, I would ask myself: Is this right for me? Does it affect anyone else and, if so, how?

See, I kind of believe in karma or whatever you want to name it. If you do good, it will reciprocate.

As it turns out, I was right. 2018 saw some of my best moments and biggest achievements, and created some of the greatest memories. I am proud of myself for making some of my lifelong dreams come true. I am not saying the year was perfect, but I am happy with the way it played out. And I am forever grateful for all the beautiful people I am surrounded with, hoping they would stick around for many years to come.
I'm looking forward to see what 2019 has in store for me. I'm still giving myself some space and time to think about what I want to see, feel, experience and make happen this year, but I am ready for whatever may come my way. 

Wishing you all lots of happiness, health and success in 2019! Cheers to the new year and another chance for us to get it right!

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