Time for That "New Year, New Me" Post

12:22 pm

So... I’ve decided to start this year off with something so silly and trivial I myself am amazed – New Year’s resolutions. Believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve ever considered setting objectives to achieve during a year’s time. I am generally not accustomed to functioning within any kind of enforced frameworks, weather set by the environment, by myself, or by something/someone else. The only occassion I’ve managed to achieve something hatched this way was years ago at college, after I had set my mind to becoming one of the top students and earning the highest acknowledgement a student in my country can earn - Chancellor's Award. No question I was working hard to get there, but I shamefully must admit I was driven by negative sentiments back then, including resentment, vindictiveness, desire to prove someone wrong (looking at you, dear professor X!), and even envy (looking at you, dear suck-up colleague Y!). If the primary passion driving me forward had been, for example, an honest desire for personal development as a young educated woman, I am not so certain I would have equally succeeded or enjoyed the journey. But sometimes off beam reasons lead to upright goals and achievements. And sometimes our own desires aren’t sufficient inspiration to us, and we need the thought of someone else to keep us going.

...which brings me to the purpose of this long introduction. I’ve read somewhere that people tend to stick to their resolutions firmer when they share them with other people. I guess most people try harder when there’s an aspiration to prove something to someone else rather than to themselves. I know I do. And this is in all probability because it’s easier to let yourself down and give up silently when no one knows a thing about your inner battles, than to publically give up and raise the white flag. Therefore, as I am not good at practicing self-discipline or likely to stick to the promises made to self, I need you guys to be my promisees in this one. Knowing that an indefinite number of people will have known about my goals would prevent me from giving up and theoretically letting them down. Makes sense, doesn't it?

Why am I doing this anyway? Perhaps the reason is that every year, without exception, I get slapped by life once or twice so hard that it leaves indelible scars. So I guess I simply feel a vast urge to make a change. And although many of the bad things happening cannot possibly be affected by anything I might do or say, I still think I need to start from somewhere. However, this is not going to be one of those cross an item off the bucket list / lose weight / quit smoking lists. No, 2015 has showed me there are other aspects of my life that need to be worked on. So, 2016 is going to be my year to:
  1. Invest more effort into being a good friend. Even though I use the term “friendship” here, it actually applies to all the people in my life; my family, relatives, colleagues, etc. For me, 2015 was an extremely important year friendship-wise. I learned that one can only have a handful of true friends, and should keep them as the apple of their eye. In my mind’s eye, this means not informing them of important events via social media, refraining from yelling at them if they drive slowly, responding to their stupid snail-mails, and laughing at their puns (I hate puns!).
  2. Invest more effort into managing stress: draw up a list of the people who were nasty to me during the past year and get back at them!
  3. Invest more effort into my job and hobbies. ‘Cause all I need is a chance to prove money can’t change me.
  4. Invest more effort into improving my blog. Or at least do my best not to make it any worse.   
  5. Stop making lists. Item #2 excluded. 
Ok, enough with the jokes. If you close your eyes to them, you'll see that my list is actually genuine. I hope some of you out there would find encouragement to improve your flaws in this text as well. But remember: it doesn't matter what it is that drives you forward as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. And we actually don't need New years to start working on ourselves. Every day is a good day to make a change. 

As always, thank you for reading. Have a lovely day! 

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4 komentari

  1. Loved reading your thoughts and I really hope you will accomplish everything you wish! Thanks for sharing :)

    Check out my blog if you want: www.theglamandglitter.com

    Tamara xxx

    1. Thank you so much, dear Tamara! I'd be happy to visit your blog!

      Also, I wish you lots of happiness and success in 2016 - have a great one! :)

  2. I hope you'll succeed


