20 Things I Wish Upon My Enemies

2:09 pm

Nothing ever happens in February.

Which leaves you with plenty of time to think. Like, actually consider and question things.

For Valentine's day I received a text message from a dear friend of mine. A she-friend of mine. Getting a loving message from someone other than the Husband (or, if I were younger and freer, my boyfriend / crush) certainly made for a unique and pleasant V-day surprise. I can’t find the words to describe how special, loved and appreciated she made me feel. Instead of celebrating romantic love, she suggested we celebrate our friendship. Isn’t that amazing? I just love such random expressions of affection and kindness! And the people who take time for such small, yet huge acts deservedly occupy a special place in my heart and life.

Unfortunately, before long, this blissful feeling was disturbed by some graver thoughts. 

[Digression] I am a Libra. Libras are very complex. Libras are full of contradictions. Libras tend to overthink things. Libras are two faceted characters; both cheerfulness and darkness are prominent in them

As the day was passing by, I started thinking of those “on the other side of the coin”. By that, I mean those who, at a certain point in time, used to be my friends, but then un-became my friends. Also, those who used to be my lovers, and then un-became my lovers. Much of this "un-becoming" had to do with the lack of effort, taking people for granted, or failing to provide support when most needed. But above all, it had to do with the absence of this impulse to make someone feel good just for the sake of making them feel good.

[Digression] Libras seek balance in all things. Libras need and want harmony in their lives, and will do whatever it takes to have it. Libras are naturally optimistic and will often look on the bright side of things, even when other factors say otherwise.

However, I eventually decided to shake off the feeling and jokingly made this list of 20 things I wish upon my enemies. Ok, “enemies” is such a strong word and I sincerely believe I have none. Although there are definitely some people I wish I could "un-meet" :) But I had so much fun putting the list together and giving a humorous twist to these grave thoughts that it simply begged to be made into a blog post.

I hope you’ll enjoy it! :)

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