
10:33 pm

It's been a while since my last post, I know. Sorry about that, it seems time is never on my side. I’ve been so busy lately that I am badly wishing I could turn my phone off at least for a day. But since that is not happening, I guess I’ll just have to continue racing the clock for a little while.

Anyway, if you’ve read my last post, “Something Old, Something New”, you’ll remember how I dismantled several old pieces of jewellery and turned them into a nice little statement necklace. Last week, I had a similar idea, but this time it evolved around an old handbag. When I put my hands on it, the clutch was broken, and I initially only had in mind replacing it. But as I tend to push things to the limits, I eventually ended up giving it a small “makeover”.

Long story short, I decided to “add some details” to break the plainness of the handbag and to make up for its lack of personality (cause I actually really like it: it has six or seven compartments, so I can easily organize all the unnecessary things I carry around). Once again, I used the materials from the jewellery I had dismantled last month, and added only a few new ones. These were all found on eBay, meaning that I’ve only spent a few Euros (and little time) on turning this old piece into practically a new one.

If you like my work and are interested in trying something similar on your own, you’ll need: a victim bag, studs (here), chains (here), jump rings (here), ruler, some thread, needle, scissors, and a pair of pliers (or tweezers). I’m not going to instruct you on how to stud, because it’s the next easiest thing to giving up. The important thing is, however, to cut the handbag cover open on the side (through the stitch), so you can thrust the stud prongs into it without breaking through to the inside. I used the studs to hold the jump rings, and then simply attached different sized chains to these and arranged them in a spider web-like design. In my case, arranging the studs was based on pure guessing, but I would definitely advise using a ruler to make your design look less messy! I also made sure the chains were intertwined in a way that would prevent them from falling behind when I open the handbag. When I was done with this, I simply sewed up the cut side so there were no traces left of anything being altered on the purse.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed this little project. For me, DIY projects are a great distraction and relaxation from everyday obligations. I have millions of ideas, and I wish I had more time to devote to them, and maybe even call them a hobby one of these days. Cause there's nothing like breathing new life into worn-out objects in your closet, right?
Thanks for reading,have a nice day!

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