DIY Ice Crown

8:46 pm

Be like snow: beautiful but cold.
- Unknown

Mardi Gras is tomorrow!
I am already super excited about this year's costume, which I've been working on for a few days now, and I can't wait to write a post on it. Looking at the photos above, do you have any idea what I am going to be? I bet you're wrong! :)

Still, I'm going to remain mysterious and let you live in suspense for a little while. For the time being, I'll show you how to easily and cheaply make a part of my super secret costume - an ice crown. 

baking paper
hot glue gun
>5 hot glue gun sticks 
white(ish) plastic hairband
glue stick
(silver) glitter
Making an ice crown is actually quite simple if you know where to start. Now let's please all pretend I'm about to drop a brilliant, innovative idea instead of stating the obvious: use a glue gun! [Duh!] It dries transparent and allows you to make icicle-like structures perfect for the crown.

But how to achieve a 3D effect without having to use tons of glue for layering and without wasting excessive time on letting it dry? And how to make the process as least messy as possible? [Drum roll: an actual handy idea coming up] Use baking paper! Lay it out and make random, different-sized pointy structures with your glue gun. These should dry in about 2 minutes, allowing you to easily separate them from the paper. Now all you have to do is glue the pieces upward onto a plastic headband in as many layers as you like.

You can leave the crown as such (I think it’s really beautiful) or decorate it with glitter, rhinestones, pearls... This time I decided to keep it simple and to just use some regular glue stick and silver glitter for decoration (fixing it with hairspray). However, below are a few ideas to tickle the mind of the more skilful and artistic, so just give reins to your imagination!
As promised, here are some ideas for the more skilful:
Photo credit: Pinterest
Thanks for reading and a happy Mardi Gras!

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